“Life is one great and endless labyrinth. It is a puzzle and a mystery. The need to wind our way through it, from one unknown to the other, is fair enough. It could even be an absorbing activity by virtue of its very abstruseness, if it weren’t for the fact that my life is the maze and I am the mystery. We are all on our way to somewhere, however undefined, however unconscious. Without really knowing it, perhaps, we spend our days looking for the way out of the maze of indecision, of discomfort, of the unfinished that can so easily become the soul’s permanent residence. We struggle for the way to an egress that is not there. We live looking for something that beckons but is not clear. Why?
Because we can feel it within us, that’s why. It never quiets; it never sleeps. It just keeps urging us on.”
—Joan Chittister, Between the Dark and the Daylight

Most of us have never learned how to talk about what’s really going on in our lives…
Or if once we knew, we seem to have forgotten how. This not-knowing or forgetting is the foundation for most interpersonal struggle. For most of us, this typically comes about through some set of experiences (sometimes from childhood, sometimes later) that was so painful, so confusing, so overwhelming, that it has taught us to hide elements of ourselves and our experiences from ourselves and others. The events seem to bring about some baseline assumption that the truth is just too much to bear, and so we don’t look for so long or so intensely that we eventually forget certain things are true about us. And we hold on to that forgetting rather resolutely, even if unconsciously.
When we can’t or won’t look at some part of ourselves, that part doesn’t go away — it just continues on outside our awareness. So, at any given time, we are operating with a large amount of interpersonal and relational misinformation — things are going on that are interrupting our lives but we don’t seem to know (or want to know).
This phenomenon is one way to practically define spiritual and mental illness.

Our work with clients is effective because in that context we are radically honest and authentic with them.
This obviously doesn’t mean there is 100% disclosure 100% of the time, and it certainly doesn’t mean that what we say is universally correct, but it does mean that we speak plainly and without subtext every time we open our mouths, and that what we say when we do is fundamentally and explicitly true to our experience moment by moment. There is no subterfuge, no hiding. That means that finally, all the puzzle pieces end up on the table. Finally, we can out with the truth.
As a growing reality between any two or more people, this phenomenon is one way to practically define spiritual and mental health.
So, do you see?
The inability to see things as they are means we can’t be honest with ourselves or others. Quite naturally, we all suffer — relationships wither along with our ability to be in them, and we become spiritually and psychologically ill. Conversely, as we discover the ability to see things clearly through the power of radical presence in the context of a healing relationship, we learn to be honest, with ourselves and others, and life springs forth from the barren forest floor — in time, we discover what it means to be spiritually and psychologically well.
We heal.
In your work with us, self-honesty and honesty with another, both requisite for and artifacts of relationship, come to characterize the entire healing endeavor. Thus, our relationship itself — that is the work. There’s nothing else you need to do to prepare.
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(858) 227-7719